Saturday, September 24, 2011

With toy design encompassing most of my life right now,  I haven't been able to paint.  When I was packing my stuff over the summer to go back to school, it was very hard to accept that I won't be needing my paints anymore for my major, but I couldn't just leave them behind. I took ultramarine, permanent rose, cadmium yellow, white, and some medium to school.  Yesterday I painted some pigs and it felt great to paint again! I almost forgot how exhausting it is...but so rewarding.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

 Here are two more trading card paintings I did during the summer based on old pictures I bought from the Hell's Kitchen flea market.  I collaged in some scrapbook paper to make it more texturized.  Small paintings like this are very enjoyable for me.  It used to be just about how big I can paint something but now I have developed a liking toward small, delicate pieces.