I've been wanting to make a doll for a while now and the highly addictive Etsy site sparked my interest to do it. I saw that a lot of people use paper clay to make dolls, which I never used before, so I bought some. It actually says right on the package that it's ideal for doll making. It's exactly what you would think...it's clay made of paper, so it starts out kind of heavy, and when it dries, it is unbelievably light! This is what you should know about it to understand why I think it's so cool:
1) It's air drying clay. Dude, no kilns!
2) Once your object is dry and hardens (usually in 3-5 days), you can still add more wet clay on top of it
3) You can use any type of paint on it ( I know, righhhht!?)
So far, it's been really durable and there are hardly any cracks that form during the drying process. I started sculpting the head and the neck and chest piece that will secure inside the head. I still have a lot to do. Can't wait to sand down all the parts to make them extra smooth and ready for paint.